Roles and Objectives

The Aid Liaison Department under the Directorate of Economic Affairs is broadly mandated to effectively and efficiently coordinate the mobilisation of external resources (loans and grants) for financing Government priority programmes/projects, monitor aid effectiveness, follow up implementation of donor terms and conditions and resource use, and provide the first contact point within GOU for development partners.

The Roles

To provide first point of contact within GOU for all development partners and to maintain policy dialogue.
To conclude loan and grant agreements with development partners which are consistent with government policies and priorities and to keep safe custody of all agreements signed on behalf of GOU.
To service development partner missions.
To provide advice and technical analysis on external aid financing.
To develop, maintain and constantly update the Government database of all donor commitments and disbursements for all loans and grants.
To provide regular reports on aid flows to Uganda including the annual “Report on Loans, Grants and Guarantees” as required by the Budget Act, 2001.
To monitor aid effectiveness in Uganda.
To conduct Government-Led Country Portfolio Performance Reviews.
To ensure the follow up of development partner terms and conditionalities.

Structure of Department

The ALD comprises 2 sections, 1 unit and two affiliated projects;

The Multilateral Section-is responsible for providing the first point of contact and managing the relationship between the Multi-lateral Institutions.

The Bilateral Section – is responsible for providing the first point of contact and managing the relationship between Government and the Bi-lateral development partners.

The Aid Data Unit – is responsible for managing and maintaining the Aid Management Database system, preparing the annual Report on Loans, Grants and Guarantees and collecting and analysing aid data for input into the national budget process.

National Authorising Office (NAO) Support Unit
The Belgo Uganda Study and Consultancy Fund

Key Activities for ALD for 2011/12

Implementation of the new Aid Information Management System (AIMS) for aid data reporting
Finalisation of the Aid Management Manual (AMM)
Conducting Country Portfolio Performance Reviews with all GOU’s Development Partners
Implementation of the Monitoring Framework of the Partnership Policy
Development of guidelines for the design, contracting and management of Technical Assistance.

4th High level forum on Aid Effectiveness, Busan, Nov-Dec, 2011
Uganda is co-chair of the HL4 Task Force on the Division of Labour.

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