President Yoweri Museveni has said Government will continue to offer training opportunities for Ugandan Engineers to enable them compete favourably with foreign firms for infrastructure projects such as road construction.
He said the NRM Government is also pursuing measures to promote local content in the implementation of infrastructure projects.
President Museveni’s message was delivered by the Minister of Finance Matia Kasaija who represented him on Thursday at the opening ceremony of the 6th Engineers Forum at Hotel Africana.
“ It is high time the Engineers considered innovating and working together as a way of weaning the country off dependence on foreign manpower,” said the President adding that once the Ugandan Engineers are empowered to do quality road construction works, this country will be in position to retain most of infrastructure related profits which are critical for economic development.
The President also congratulated the Engineers Registration Board on marking the Golden Jubilee since its establishment in 1969.
“I salute the Ugandan Engineers supported by their foreign counterparts for the many achievements in establishing sound infrastructure for our economy,” said Museveni.
He said the register of Engineers at about 1,200 is inadequate for Uganda’s development needs, adding that there is need to train and mentor the 500 to 600 Engineers who graduate annually from Universities to enter the register.
Museveni also called for the expeditious amendment of the Engineers Registration Act, 1969 to check masqueraders and also increase public confidence in the profession.
The President warned Engineers to desist from corrupt practices as they compete for work or consultancy services.
The theme of this year’s Engineers forum is “The Engineer in the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The Chairperson Engineers Registration Board Eng. Dr.Michael Odongo requested the President to support them to construct an Engineering incubation centre on their land in Namanve.
They also requested the President to fulfil his pledge towards the construction of the Technology house for Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers in Kyambogo.